Attentions Vs Intentions

It’s Christmas!

Kevin Attention.jpg

The time of year has arrived again where most of us take stock. We have, through various forms of conditioning, convinced ourselves that some part of our life is ending and another is about to being.

We spend much of our time in the last few weeks of any year berating ourselves for perceived ‘failures’ and speculating about all the great things we are going to achieve in the next year.

What is it that you desire?

Some of us will have desires based around our health; I am going to lose weight, I am going to get fit, I am going to eat healthier, I am going to run a marathon.

Some of us will have desires around our relationship(s); I am going to find the guy/girl for me, I am going treat myself better and do lots more things that I love, I will spend more time with my family and the people I love.

Some of us will also be planning to build and develop our businesses; I will increase turnover by X, I will grow my customer base, I will increase profitability by Y.

I love (effective) goal setting.

Now, I am definitely someone who recognises the value in goal setting. I teach how to do this. Where goals come from and how to emotionally attach ourselves to the outcomes we desire. I teach about the importance of understanding your motives and staying focused, being accountable and flexible. All of these are great things.

Here is the connection between the universal laws, spirituality, intellect and the physical word. If I can have you agree that everything that exists in the universe, including the universe itself is energy - you can do your own research on that statement and let me know if you would like to offer a counter argument - Many of our greatest prophets, scientists, sages, philosophers and leaders agree that ‘everything is energy’ and one of the greatest discoveries in relation to energy is that ‘energy can neither be created or destroyed, it can only change form’.

Everything is Energy.

So, stay with me here, I know we are getting deep. All those things that you are thinking about creating next year, all those goals and targets that you are setting yourself. That fine trim and toned body, that business growth or that love that you are ready to accept into your life. They already exist!

Remember that we have just agreed that ‘everything is energy’ and that ‘energy can neither be created or destroyed’ then we can only conclude that that thing you are desiring or wanting to create already exists, maybe not in the ‘form’ that you desire, nonetheless, it is already there and it only requires you to allow the conditions for it to take the form you desire.

And this is where you come in - this is where you can co-create all that you desire by working in conjunction with your intentions and the energy that the universe has to offer.

This is where you must review and assess are you giving your attention to your intentions?

Think about this..

That’s a question that is worth thinking about for a minute, or a day, or a lifetime. It doesn’t matter whether you are a car salesman, an entrepreneur, a global organisation owner, stay at home mum or dad or an athlete.

Our intentions will be getting set for the New Year, all the great things we are going to do next year, definitely next year, absolutely definitely next year…but the way to create the conditions for these desires to take on the form that we desire is to give our attention to our intentions.

So, I’ll ask you again…

Are you prepared to give your attention to your intentions? Or are you going to do the same as last year and give your attention to all the other things in your life - usually the things that you don’t want to happen - because it’s only by giving your attention to your intentions that you begin to create the conditions for that energy to come together and appear in your physical world.

So when you come to setting your new year’s resolutions or intentions just ask yourself…

Am I prepared to give these intentions my attention?

If the answer is no, then you are setting the wrong goals and are certainly not creating the conditions that will allow your chosen goals to find you.

Here is to your every success friends!

Merry Christmas and a bloody marvellous new year!
